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  1. 2014 Fruit Research and Extension Progress

    fruit research and Extension programs at OSU South Centers have been set up to deal with many challenges ... Department of Agriculture and excellent craftsmanship of our research support staff at OSU South Centers, we ... tunnel demonstration work have been quite positive. We will continue this research for several years. ...

  2. HOPS Workshop at Wooster

    Workshop will be held at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center at the Fisher ...

  3. Eligibility to Drive OARDC Vehicles

    research locations within and outside of the state of Ohio. Graduate students needing to use state fleet ... state locations but under no circumstances can these students drive state fleet vehicles to research or ... full-time faculty, staff and graduate research and teaching associates. 2. All part-time or temporary staff ...

  4. Sustainable Management of Food Waste Composting for Nutrient Recycling

    Biological Engineering, and member of the Compost Research Center at OARDC, Wooster. He presented information ...

  5. Aquaculture research achievements and impacts 2015

    University of Benha University, and several other international institutions, we accomplished twelve research ... perch daily from the beginning to the eyed stage.  The results were published in Aquaculture Research ...   International training program: Leading research in aquaculture genetics and breeding at the OSU South Centers ...

  6. Aquaculture Research Achievements and Impacts 2014

    By: Hanping Wang, PhD, Senior Research Scientist Summary of Achievements: In 2014, in ... collaborations with the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center Molecular and Cellular Imaging Center ... Battelle, and several international institutions, we accomplished ten research studies and projects ...

  7. Managing Dairy Cow Heat Stress

    experienced by a dairy cow depends upon the air temperature and the humidity. Research has shown that high ... a temperature of 80 o F with no humidity both produce a THI of 68.  Research indicates that dairy cows can ...

  8. Northeast Ohio Winter Grape School

    will be hosted by OSU Extension and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, which are ... the outreach and research arms, respectively, of the college. The program will feature: ·         How ...

  9. Endeavor Center and SBDC success

    of Rio Grande in which students from Dr. Wesley Theone’s marketing class completed market research ... through counseling in the areas of market research, due diligence, general export education, export ...

  10. OBIC Bioproducts Innovation Center History

    implement a market pull "Cell to Sell" TM business model to link core research capabilities to ...
