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Engaging OSU Students in Conservation Practices and Planning
Agricultural Research Service researchers, Bill Ford, PhD and Mark Williams, PhD. Dan Dickson, P.E., Velvet Ice ... habitat, at Columbus’ Franks Park. A stream restoration research project, at OSU’s Waterman Farm, with ...
Ukrainian Ag Econ Professors Improve Skillsets at Ohio State through USDA Faculty Exchange Program
new knowledge through research, and disseminate this new knowledge and innovative practices to a wide ...
Ohio State Students Launch ‘Environmental ScienceBites’ iBook
Students in Ohio State’s Introduction to Environmental Science course researched, wrote and reviewed all ...
OSU's Environmental Policy Initiative Webinar
Their research found that renewable energy laws are remarkably effective at reducing carbon emissions, ...
Graduate Defense Seminar
surrounding landscape are two important aspects that remain poorly understood. My research seeks to expand ...
Ohio Shale’s Biggest Environmental Impact May Be on Forests: Talk at Farm Science Review
expert Joe Bonnell of The Ohio State University, who will speak twice on his research looking into the ...
The Evolving Role of the School of Environment and Natural Resources: Addressing Environmental Change
role of the School in addressing (through teaching, research, and outreach) and providing effective ... knowledge and fosters environmental sustainability through teaching, research and outreach. By integrating ...
Chloe Welch's Honors Defense
growth of HABs, although more research would have to be completed on a larger scale to determine if they ...
Graduate Exit Seminar
research was to examine how a combination of ammonia and hypoxia alters the gills, and influences ammonia ...
Spring 2014 SENR Seminar Series
audience, is a myth. Additionally, recent research also suggests that external factors, such as the ...