
Search results

  1. Engaged Scholar: Tim McDermott Recognized by Outreach and Engagement

    agricultural research with farmers, students and faculty to address challenges faced by increasing urban heat ... made an impact in our communities through their community-engaged research and teaching. Read the ...

  2. Resource Cafe

    Capitalize Upon When Working to Enhance Your Teaching and Learning Exchanges: Research, network, and connect ... Liason Florian Diekmann,  Head, FAES Library Gwen Short, Librarian, Ohio Agricultural Research and ...

  3. The Introverted Leader

    article, “Why Introverts Make some of the Best Leaders.” She shares that research shows, introverted ... an introvert successfully cultivate these traits? Learn, from research-based information, that in ...

  4. Biochemical Sciences

    technicians, quality assurance technicians, and/or research/laboratory technicians (plant, animal, and ... (pharmaceutical or sales), teaching, and research or product development, or as research biologists, biomedical or ... health science researchers, or scientific writers. Facilities Ohio State ATI is adjacent to the Ohio ...

  5. Nicole Arnold

    Nutrition Science and Adjunct Assistant Professor in Public Health at East Carolina University. Her research ... safety education, Food labels, Risk communication, Qualitative research methods, ServSafe Dr. Arnold is ...

  6. Honors and Research Distinction

    cord by the college to wear at Commencement.    Graduating with Honors Research Distinction (Honors ... Program Members) Honors Research Distinction is granted only to those students participating in the Honors ... ratio and a 3.5 GPA in the major, students must complete a research project, present at the CFAES and ...

  7. Water Quality Team Field Day to be Held on July 20

    King, is a research lead and agricultural engineer with USDA-ARS. OSU Extension is partnering with ...

  8. Undergraduate

    food industry leaders and perform undergraduate research, as well as internships and scholarships. This ... Sensory Scientist, Research Chef, Regulatory Compliance Officer, and many more! Most of our students earn ...

  9. Breakfast with the Birds: Advocacy and Conservation in Urban Green Spaces

    networks to connect local observations, populations, and research to national movements in bird ... conservation.  Tour the Grange Insurance Audubon Center’s specific field-based research and learning sites, and ... Wetland Research Park) provides welcome remarks. 8:20 a.m. Leigh Ann Miller (director, Grange Insurance ...

  10. Dr. Rafael Jimenez-Flores

    research focused on novel methods for dairy processing, characterization of the milk fat globule membrane, ...
