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  1. That Compost Contains What?

    treatment plants. The corn patch is the public installment of a research collaboration led by  Nick Kawa, ...

  2. Ohio Sheep Day- Caldwell, Ohio

    Join us for the 2018 Ohio Sheep Day at the Eastern Agricultural Research Station, 16870 Bond Ridge ... Rd., Caldwell, OH 43724. The day's agenda includes: Eastern Agricultural Research Station Update ... Eastern Agricultural Research Station On-farm Sheep Research That Will Benefit the Sheep Producer ...

  3. Faculty Mentors

    Spatial Analysis and modeling. His main research focus is on land-use land-cover change detection and ... within a human ecological theoretical framework. Other research interests include modeling of the impacts ... Engineering. Adhikari teaches biosystems engineering classes and conducts research related to biofuels and ...

  4. Student Delegate Spotlight: Chelsea Tyus

    leadership, and networking. It was a natural choice for me due to my research interests and career ... My research is “Characterizing a co-culture of microalgae for use in food ingredients by analyzing ... enjoy doing in your free time? When I’m not in the lab or researching. I enjoy traveling (Costa Rica, ...

  5. Plant Pathology Welcomes a New Chair

    Department of Plant Pathology starting February 1 st.  Mitchell comes into the role with extensive research ...

  6. Where are they now? Alumni Awards edition

    research, and finally dean of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. To return for this special ...

  7. Tools to Protect Water Quality

    In order to prevent harmful algae blooms, CFAES researchers work to give farmers and the public ...

  8. Groundbreaking for New Science Building at Ohio State ATI

    Research and Development Center. Pictured at the ceremony, left to right, are  Graham Cochran, ...

  9. CFAES Check It Out- Meat Shoppe at Animal Sciences

    trade and develop skills in research and retail.  Items for sale include steaks, roasts, and processed ...

  10. How Do You Keep a Mosquito from Biting?

    could lead to fewer mosquitos.  Her research involves fooling mosquitoes' systems so they go into ... hibernation rather than buzzing around.  This research could have a big impact in prevention of the West Nile ...
