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Cornell Researchers Analyze Major Trends in Urban Tech
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AEDE’s Siddhartha Bora Awarded 2021 William E. Krauss Director’s Award for Excellence in Graduate Research
Research for his lead-authored paper entitled "The Rationality of USDA Forecasts under Multivariate ... “rationality” of two major series of USDA forecasts, the farm income forecasts released by the Economic Research ... lines of research on forecast bias. Another contribution of his study is that the joint evaluation of ...
Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership
communities through academics, research, extension and outreach. ...
Global Water Institute leads effort to improve water and food security with the Navajo Nation
COLUMBUS, Ohio–A new effort led by researchers at The Ohio State University will help the Navajo ... development economics, will lead measurement and evaluation research to determine the project’s effectiveness ... water-related problems associated with a lack of water and food security. For this convergent research project, ...
GSA’s ‘Pints and Presentations’
he’ll discuss a bit of research about forests and climate change and illustrate how economic analysis ...
Survey says…better designed survey questions generate truer responses
on paper, says Hu. This research shows that survey responses have consequences and that the more we ...
Immigration, Jobs, Crime, and Workforce Availability: How Does Immigration Affect Ohio and the USA?
immigrant population. The researchers assert that understanding the characteristics of the immigrant ...
OSU Economist: GM Crops have had an Impact on Agricultural Productivity, Could Offer Solutions for Global Food Security
research and development, revisiting the impact GM crops may have on agricultural productivity is an ... According to researchers at the University of California-Berkeley, the U.S. and Brazil account for 85 ... of GM canola planted. Additionally, Sheldon said, these same researchers provide substantial evidence ...
Lecturer Profile: Denise Kestner
business. She structures her course to also include the study of relevant and recent research that students ...
The Status and Changing Face of Ohio Agriculture
Researchers from the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences explored 20 years of data from ...