
Search results

  1. Using °Brix as an Indicator of Vegetable Quality: A Summary of the Measurement Method

    Kleinhenz, Department of Horticulture and Crop Science, The Ohio State University, Ohio Agricultural Research ... publication also depicts the measurement of °Brix on single-fruit samples. In laboratory and research ...

  2. The Cannabis Market and Its Impact on Hemp

    is $300 per pound. Growers have also responded to developing consumer behavior by conducting research ... U.S. Department of Justice. 2021. Controlled Substances. Drug Enforcement Administration, ...

  3. Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Squash and Pumpkin

    Agricultural Research Service. FoodData Central, 2020. Food Home, Yard and Garden squash and ...

  4. Post Soybean, Going to Corn: Use Oats/Radish

    resources and programs, conducting new research, and communicating about cover crops to the public. Funding ...

  5. Corn Growth and Development: Does Tillering Affect Hybrid Performance?

    "suckers" and many farmers actually walked their corn fields to remove tillers. However, since then research ...

  6. Gardening with a Physical Limitation

    gripping for extended amounts of time. Research alternative gardening methods to reduce the amount of ...

  7. On-Farm Solar Electric System Safety

    considerations for a PV solar system. According to a report developed by The Fire Protection Research Foundation, ... finish the development process by researching how their PV solar system works and developing ... Emergency Response for Solar Power Systems. Quincy, MA: The Fire Protection Research Foundation. Haney, J., ...

  8. Effects of Flooding and Ponding on Corn

    Geyer, Research Assistant, Department of Horticulture and Crop Science The extent to which flooding ... following year. Research indicates that the oxygen concentration approaches zero after 24 hours in a flooded ...

  9. How to Control and Prevent Mosquito Bites In and Around Ohio Homes

    According to a research study people with the O blood type were the most attractive to mosquitoes (Shirai et ... Albopictus. Gainesville, Florida: U.S. Department of Agriculture Research Service. PDF. ...

  10. Fathering Your Adolescent: Ways to Strengthen Your Relationship

    their parents. In fact, research on parents of adolescents, especially fathers, report the lowest levels ...
