
Search results

  1. Divya Gupta's Graduate Exit Seminar

    chosen. The research adopted a mixed-method approach that combined socio-political, institutional and ...

  2. OCVN State Program Contacts

    program is a research-based scientific training program that emphasizes hands on natural resource ...

  3. Generation of porcine transgenic cell line targeting heart-specific gene expression for xenotransplantation

    Principal Investigator: Kichoon Lee, Animal Sciences Collaborator: Rural Development Administration of the Republic of Korea     Description: The primary impact of this project will be the identification of a new set of heart specific genes in pigs and us ...

  4. Membership Testimonial

    reasons. Whether we are talking about athletics, cutting edge research, or quality of education, ...

  5. Farm Science Review to be held September 16-18

    University and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (known as the Ohio Agricultural ...

  6. Earth Day at the Schiermeier Wetland Research Park

    In celebration of Earth Day 2013 The Wilma H. Schiermeier Olentangy River Wetland Research Park ...

  7. TWEL Marjorie Liberati Thesis

    with economic and social importance. Despite nearly a century of research, population declines continue ...

  8. TWEL Adam Janke Thesis

    Janke, MS  Advisor: Robert J. Gates   Thesis   Despite a long history of research and accumulated ...

  9. GA Resources

    for Innovative Teaching and Learning University of Michigan- Center for Research on Learning and ...

  10. Jason Tucker's Graduate Defense Seminar

    cranes in Ohio.  More research is also necessary to better understand the potential that reproduction in ...
