
Search results

  1. Innovative Tech Shows Promise to Boost Rubber Production in US

    Researchers reported their methods to improve efficiency and increase latex yield in two recent publications, ... building upon decades of research led by Katrina Cornish, professor of  horticulture and crop science  and  ...

  2. Yellowstone to Yukon: Enhancing Rocky Mountain animal migration through remote sensing and international collaboration

    incredible research and partnership endeavor, and its implications for land and resource managers in Ohio and ... Davidson, data curator, Movebank; coordinator, Room2Roam project. Roland Kays, PhD, research professor, ... including conservation researchers, wildlife enthusiasts, and students seeking tools for utilizing advanced ...

  3. Nate King-Smith

    Nate King-Smith Graduate Research Associate Nathaniel King-Smith ... Biological Engineering advised by Dr. Katrina Cornish. His research focus is on hydroponics and controlled ... (TK). Nate's research explores the possibility of vertical farming of the TK plant as well as ...

  4. Strong Couples

    project – led by researchers and educators with Ohio State University Extension and partnering states ...

  5. Not all gloves created equal: Cornish displays need for durability standards

    Katrina Cornish, research director at the Ohio State University, discusses the need for durability ...

  6. FAQ

    education program that is backed by decades of research. In couples therapy, couples work with a therapist ...

  7. Food Preservation

    making jams and jellies Methods for freezing fruits and vegetables Reliable, research-backed resources ...

  8. Authors

    CFAES provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For ...

  9. Sun Safety

    worse and cannot be reversed. Research shows that up to 80% of visible skin changes attributed to aging ...

  10. Recognition of historical injustices in agriculture and the importance of environmental experiences for racial healing

    recognized expert in the anthropology of African American farming, has been lecturing, researching, teaching, ... urban agriculture and provide more research funding. Offering specific advice for the Office of Urban ... eighteen years, she has been researching, teaching, and writing about black farmers, producing articles, ...
