
Search results

  1. Glen Arnold

    research on using liquid livestock manure to replace commercially purchased fertilizer on wheat and corn. ...

  2. Our North Coast: An insight into Intergovernmental stewardship to improve Lake Erie from Ontario to Ohio

    Great Lakes. With a strong combination of research, education, and outreach efforts, as well as ... Great Lakes resources. Stone Laboratory is Ohio State’s island campus on Lake Erie and is the research ... and a tour of research laboratories and South Bass Island. 9:30 a.m. Livestreaming service concludes ...

  3. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins, and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    April F. White, Graduate Research Associate, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State ...

  4. Nate King-Smith

    Nate King-Smith Graduate Research Associate Nathaniel King-Smith ... Biological Engineering advised by Dr. Katrina Cornish. His research focus is on hydroponics and controlled ... (TK). Nate's research explores the possibility of vertical farming of the TK plant as well as ...

  5. Yellowstone to Yukon: Enhancing Rocky Mountain animal migration through remote sensing and international collaboration

    incredible research and partnership endeavor, and its implications for land and resource managers in Ohio and ... Davidson, data curator, Movebank; coordinator, Room2Roam project. Roland Kays, PhD, research professor, ... including conservation researchers, wildlife enthusiasts, and students seeking tools for utilizing advanced ...

  6. Innovative Tech Shows Promise to Boost Rubber Production in US

    Researchers reported their methods to improve efficiency and increase latex yield in two recent publications, ... building upon decades of research led by Katrina Cornish, professor of  horticulture and crop science  and  ...

  7. Not all gloves created equal: Cornish displays need for durability standards

    Katrina Cornish, research director at the Ohio State University, discusses the need for durability ...

  8. Who is the New Guy?

    faculty at The Ohio State University at the Wooster Campus. I have a research and Extension position, so ... first research experience as an undergraduate with Dr. Jill Anderson. I am still a passionate Jackrabbit ... quite a wide range of research during my PhD. We investigated Enogen silage, ruminal acidosis, and ...

  9. Chris Zoller

    management, dairy and livestock production, and agronomic and forage crop production. Chris conducts research ... facilities. He has researched and conducted analysis of farm production, evaluated variable seeding rates of ...

  10. New Faculty Member in Animal Welfare

    California in 2012, where I started researching heat stress in dairy cattle, with a strong focus on ...
