
Search results

  1. Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Maple Syrup

    syrup, contact your local OSU Extension office. Partially based on research conducted by Barbara Drake ...

  2. Preventing Heart Disease

    and Research ...

  3. Determining Grape Maturity and Fruit Sampling

    Viticulture Extension Specialist, Department of Horticulture and Crop Science, Ohio Agricultural Research and ... the development of color, flavor and aromas of a given variety. Research and experience have shown ...

  4. Hops Downy Mildew

    Professor, Department of Plant Pathology, The Ohio State University-Ohio Agricultural Research and ... University-Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Wooster, OH Downy mildew is the most wide spread and ...

  5. Potato Leafhopper on Alfalfa

    PLH-resistant alfalfa, research has determined that corrective action is warranted when the number of PLH adults ... Agricultural Research and Development Center assume no liability resulting from the use of these ...

  6. Stink Bugs on Soybeans and Other Field Crops

    Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Entomology Ronald B. Hammond, Professor, Department of Entomology Stink ... for all stink bugs have been taken from neighboring states to our south and east where researchers ... mentioned. The authors, Ohio State University Extension, and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development ...

  7. Oilseed Radish Cover Crop

    Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE). (2007). Managing Cover Crops Profitably (3rd ed.). ...

  8. Corn Response to Long-Term Weather Stressors

    pressure, and nutrient deficiencies), research has shown a positive relationship between corn yield and the ... Previous research indicates possible benefits from adjusting comparative relative maturity (CRM) selection ... season and improved solar brightening, also have the potential to bring benefits. Research from the ...

  9. Decision Making/Problem Solving With Teens

    grow up to be independent, responsible, happy adults. Some research has shown that those who are able ...

  10. Rural Neighbors—Living and Working Together

    generate as many solutions as you can, taking care not to pass judgment on other’s ideas. Research the ... Consult the local Extension office for up-to-date research-based information. Reach agreement on the most ...
