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  1. Reaccreditation Process of Forestry Curriculums Underway

    operations in the industrial sector, domestic or international consulting, wildland fire-fighting, research ...

  2. Farm Bill Legislative Committee Considers Dairy Safety Net Alternative Offered by Ohio State University Economists in Potential Compromise

    Research and Development Center (OARDC). OSU Extension and OARDC are the statewide outreach and research ...

  3. On the Economics of Specialization: An Application to Agriculture

    His presentation will focus on his recent research with Kwansoo Kim, Professor at Seoul National ...

  4. Mental Accounts, Selective Attention, and the Mutability of Altruism: An Experiment with Online Workers

    will focus on his recent research: "Mental Accounts, Selective Attention, and the Mutability of ...

  5. Economic Valuation of Product Features

    will focus on his recent research with Jeff Brazell from The Modellers, John R. Howell from the Smeal ...

  6. SENR Seminar: Improving Soil Maps by Data Mining Existing Soil Surveys

    SENR's Brian Slater, Associate Professor, and Sakthi Subburayalu, Research Scientist. Their presentation ...

  7. Gypsum and Carbon Amendments Influence on Soil Properties, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Growth and Nutrient Uptake of Ryegrass

    research was to evaluate the effect of plant residues, glucose and gypsum on the growth and nutrient uptake ...

  8. Clark's Graduate Defense Seminar

    characteristics of MTB and their small magnets have gained growing interest in a diverse set of research fields ...

  9. Crop Input Outlook 2013 from Barry Ward Outlook information presented here was developed with data from AEDE research, the Energy ... Information Administration, USDA, other Land Grant research, futures markets and retail sector surveys. While ...

  10. Is the Aquaculture Boot Camp (ABC)Program Over?

    By: Estefania James, MS, Program Assistant   The Ohio Center for Aquaculture Research and ... Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II grant. This grant will definitely improve the great efforts the Bells ...
