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  1. EEDS Faculty Leader to Discuss Sustainable Development

    closing session of the COMPAS event. Irwin is a co-investigator on several research projects funded by the ...

  2. Understanding Environmental Behaviors: A Modification of Value-Belief-Norm theory Applied to Nutrient Management Decisions in the Maumee Watershed

    application of chemical fertilizers by farmers. My research aims to understand why, in the face of an ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-39

    being promoted as a replacement for 2,4-D ester in preplant burndown treatments. Our research shows that ... + Gramoxone, Ignite + metribuzin, or Sharpen + Ignite, for example. In our research, Sharpen and Ignite have ... research. Corvus is a premix of isoxaflutole and thiencarbazone-methyl, along with cyprosulfamide, the same ...

  4. Cover Crops and Soil Health Forum to Take Place February 18

    farmers, educators and researchers across the country in the emerging conversation about the use and ...

  5. Adjusting Corn Management Practices for a Late Start

    fully. Research in Ohio and other Corn Belt states generally indicates that earlier maturity hybrids lose ...

  6. We have Nematodes in our Corn Fields

    decreased. Lance and lesion nematode populations were higher in soil with low silt content. Research in this ...

  7. Tips and Resources for Completing Your Honors Plan

    that is tailored to your specific interests, your area of research, and your major. Complete all ...

  8. Foliar Fungicide Application in Field Corn- A 2014 Update

    in stressed corn? Answer 3.  I know of no research data showing conclusively that fungicides lead to ... fungicide application in the absence of disease. Summary results from 8 years of fungicide research- up to ...

  9. Soil Compaction Management at Harvest Time

    by using flotation tires, duals and reducing tire pressure because key research in this area was done ... by Bob Holmes and Randall Reeder at OSU. Their research also showed that tracks can do a very good ...

  10. TWEL Andrea Lindsay Thesis

    habitat conditions and events occurring in previous seasons. My research focused on seasonal events and ... My research objectives were to 1) assess winter habitat conditions of breeding Yellow Warblers using ... research has shown that male Yellow Warblers with more breast streaking are more territorial and achieve ...
