
Search results

  1. Trust Edge

    Outlook). The Trust Edge is built by global leader on trust, David Horsager, based in research by the ...

  2. USDA ERS Dairy Outlook: January 2023

    University Extension The United States Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service (USDA ERS) ...

  3. Ohio State to lead research and development project to help greenhouse growers create optimal conditions, increase crops, and reduce waste

    Environmental Sciences (CFAES) is leading a research and development project to help greenhouse growers create ... stakeholders through professional learning opportunities for workforce development. CFAES will conduct research ... in the new, state-of-the-art Controlled Environment Agriculture Research Complex (CEARC), ...

  4. Tracing tomatoes’ health benefits to gut microbes

    microbes and altered gut bacteria toward a more favorable profile in young pigs, researchers found. After ... observing these results with a short-term intervention, the research team plans to progress to similar ... might be contributing to potential health outcomes.”  The research is published in the journal  ...

  5. Methane Mitigation Strategies for Dairy Farms

    in context of a LCA. Thus, further research should focus on evaluating total GHG emissions using an ... supplementation. Further research is needed to identify cost-effective fat sources fed at the appropriate level ... additional research is needed before firm recommendations can be made.  Tannins and saponins are secondary ...

  6. Considering Dairy Farm Construction in 2023?

    has been 2 inches of assessable water trough perimeter per cow, but recent research has shown this ... ft, but newer research shows that when these fans are pointed correctly for cooling while cows are ...

  7. Pandemic prep needs ‘smart surveillance’ to predict viral spillovers

    spillover from animals to humans, targeted preparedness and drug and vaccine research, and worldwide ... coronaviruses from deer to cattle was prescient: In 2021, Saif was part of an Ohio State research team that ... a global community and apply One Health practices for prevention and preparedness.”  The researchers from ...

  8. The Ohio State University chosen as research home for Starlab’s George Washington Carver Science Park Terrestrial Laboratory

    park devoted to space research.  Voyager Space   announced today it has selected a proposal  from the ... a replica of the Starlab space station science park and allows researchers to test missions and conduct ... sharing resources, research and knowledge across multiple disciplines." The research conducted at the ...

  9. Meeting Notes: Positioning Ohio as a Leader in Organics

    organic research is slated to grow from 20 to 50 million in the next five years. Is Ohio State ready to be ... Wooster to discuss how Ohio State can provide better leadership for organic research and outreach. Organic ... communication and coordination around these partnerships. Renee listed several priority research topics and ...

  10. Swetha Sarangarajan

    researching the salt-protein interactions that affect saltiness perception. In her free time, she enjoys ...
