
Search results

  1. Expanded Ohio State, CFAES brand guidelines now available

    brochures, flyers, postcards, PowerPoints, and research posters. You will also find links to university brand ...

  2. Profile- Miller

    a successful USDA NIFA Specialty Crops Research Initiative proposal, which required 100% match. The GDSU ... proposal submission. This gave us, the researchers, time to focus on the technical part of the proposal. ...

  3. CFAES Diversity Catalyst Team honored

    as head of OARDC's Food Animal Health Research Program; and Ryan Schmiesing, director of ...

  4. Hendrick heading to Michigan State

    more than 300 physical structures, two campuses, and nearly a dozen outlying research and outreach ...

  5. Three Honored for Long-Time Dedication and Commitment: Beuerlein, Gahn and Moser to be Inducted into Farm Science Review Hall of Fame

    Beuerlein   Jim Beuerlein, Mt. Gilead, Ohio Beuerlein was a professor, researcher, and state Extension ... Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, Ohio State University Extension, and the Ohio Agricultural Research ... latest in agricultural research, conservation, family and nutrition, and gardening and landscape. Tickets ...

  6. Farm to Fork Food Dialogues

    in biotech research and crop production.  There is no cost to attend and a FREE catered dinner will ...

  7. TechColumbus and Ohio State announce Technology Concept Fund

    alternative energy, information technology and life sciences. “The researchers at Ohio State are discovering ...

  8. OSU Extension Shale Development Information for Landowners 'Gave Me Confidence'

    the necessary research and outreach to support decades of shale gas management." Now, a handful ...

  9. Beck's Hybrids donates $1 million to support Field to Faucet, Farm Science Review

    a location in London and owns nearby property that will be used for joint research and outreach projects. “By ...

  10. Nominate an Alum for the CFAES Alumni Awards!

    industry through their support, research, talents or leadership. The five categories are listed below: ...
