
Search results

  1. Oh, Deer! Workshop Set on Managing Backyard Wildlife Conflicts

    field of urban wildlife, especially for his research on  Chicago’s coyotes. Two episodes of the PBS show ...

  2. Bobwhites in the Contemporary Midwestern Landscape: Aardvarks in Arcadia, or Canaries in the Coal Mine?

    long-standing knowledge from past studies, but on-going research is needed to inform conservation efforts.   ...

  3. Moving People with Ideas: Innovation, Inter-regional Mobility and Firm Heterogeneity

    focus on his recent research with Luisa Gagliardi, also from the London School of Economics: " ...

  4. Ohio State researcher to study spiders, insects in vacant lots

    about this urban ecology research study in the Columbus Dispatch. ...

  5. Full List of 2015 Publications

    environmental quality in the U.S. from 1995 to 2004 Social Science Research 53:375-390. Aziz, I., N. Bangash, T. ... Delta. Review of Policy Research 32(4):443-464. Berardo, Ramiro and Jeff Hanlon. 2015. Institutions. In, ... Clark, Jill K., Jeff S. Sharp and Kristine L. Dugan. 2015. The agrifood system policy agenda and research ...

  6. Basic Soybean Agronomics

    conducted a planting date trial at the Western Agricultural Research Station near South Charleston, Ohio.  ... yield potential. Seeding rate.  What is the optimum soybean seeding rate?  On-farm research conducted by ...

  7. The Implications of Environmental Policy on Nutrient Outputs in Agricultural Watersheds

    Research Service. We examine whether federally-sponsored voluntary environmental programs to reduce ...

  8. Fire and Mechanical Treatments for Kirtland’s Warbler Habitat Management in Northern Lower Michigan

    forest research that pertained to real management practices, while also linking with knowledge gained in ...

  9. Ohio State Fans: 7 Things to Know About Growing an Ohio Buckeye Tree

    covers about 115 acres at the college’s research arm, the  Ohio Agricultural Research and Development ...

  10. Honors Research Proposal Presentations

    is invited to hear these Honors students present their research proposals. 4:15pm Paige E. Hagley ...
