
Search results

  1. TWEL Aaron Boone Thesis

    wintering grounds. Recent research on Nearctic-Neotropical migratory songbirds has emphasized the importance ... interactions and migratory connectivity in migratory songbirds, but little research has addressed interactions ...

  2. Intra-industry Trade between Brazil and OECD Countries: Decomposition and Its Main Determinants

    focus on his research: "Intra-industry Trade between Brazil and OECD Countries: Decomposition and ...

  3. Do All Types of Community Forest Management Projects Actually Protect Forests? Evidence from Guatemala’s Maya Biosphere Reserve

    will focus on her research: "Do All Types of Community Forest Management Projects Actually Protect ...

  4. 50th Farm Science Review another success

    agricultural research, resources, information, and access for farmers, drew some 115,183 attendees to its site ...

  5. MicroTrop 2014 In Pictures

     lectures from French, Senegalese, and US researchers on topics ranging from  microbial community ...

  6. Faculty Serve as Co-Organizers for Regional, Urban, and Spatial Economics Conference in China

    economics, urban economics, and spatial economics in China and to develop a stronger research network for ...

  7. TWEL Coree Brooks Thesis

    protective cover near food sources. Research has been conducted since 2009 on 4 private land study sites in ...

  8. Building Healthy Communities in the 21st Century: Drop the Fads and Lose the Rearview Mirror

    Where Research and Practice Meet. Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, MO on September 9, 2010. Mark ...

  9. In Memoriam: Warren Lee, AEDE Professor Emeritus

    conducted research related to policy, structural and technical change in rural financial markets and the ...

  10. AEDE's Global Reach

    the faculty, staff and students of AEDE have a very busy summer of research, teaching, collaboration ...
