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  1. Buckeye Shepherd’s Symposium focuses on American Sheep Industry roadmap

    Improvement”. The event will be held Dec. 6 at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) ...

  2. You are invited...Animal Sciences Recognition Banquet

    include: • Scholarship Recipients • Co-Curricular Teams • Undergraduate Research • Outstanding ...

  3. Length of Dry Period- Don't just jump on a band wagon without knowing if you really want to go that way

    the dry period for dairy cattle has been 60 days. It is well established from research conducted many ...

  4. Manure Storage and Land Application- Where are we going? How fast can we get there?

    horizon as research efforts begin and air quality issues play out in the scientific, policy, and public ...

  5. Taking Control of Feed Costs

    silages? Our research at Ohio State has shown that forages are sampled too infrequently on most of our ...

  6. Lake States Fire Science Consortium Moquah Barrens Field Tour

    sandpiper), pine barrens vegetation, invasive plant species, monitoring, and current research. COST and ...

  7. Shared Visions, Future Challenges: A Mental Models Study of Three Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Programs

    research has considered collaboration in the context of forest restoration efforts. Of particular interest ...

  8. Market and Policy Watch 2013

    for this IOFC forecast chart on my website: ...

  9. Workshop to Spotlight Whole-system Solutions to Nutrient Runoff, Water Issues

    invited top researchers and representatives from government agencies, the agricultural community and ...

  10. Faculty Partnering on One Health Initiative

    Medicine in OSU’s College of Veterinary Medicine and charged with conducting behavioral research and risk ...
