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Faculty Mentors
Spatial Analysis and modeling. His main research focus is on land-use land-cover change detection and ... within a human ecological theoretical framework. Other research interests include modeling of the impacts ... Engineering. Adhikari teaches biosystems engineering classes and conducts research related to biofuels and ...
Past Projects
Organic Research PROJECTS at Ohio state Agronomic/Field Crops Ecosystem Based Weed Management: Giant Ragweed in the ... Everts, K., Meyer, S., Norton, G., Parmeter, C., and Smart, C.; USDA NIFA-Organic Research Extension ... Research to Redesign Extension Programming for Organic Weed Management (Doohan, D. J., Ernst, S., Wilson, ...
Student Delegate Spotlight: Chelsea Tyus
leadership, and networking. It was a natural choice for me due to my research interests and career ... My research is “Characterizing a co-culture of microalgae for use in food ingredients by analyzing ... enjoy doing in your free time? When I’m not in the lab or researching. I enjoy traveling (Costa Rica, ...
Slide Presentations: Is it Important to Manage the Calcium: Magnesium Ratio in Soils?
Professor, SENR, and Caroline Brock, OSU Senior Research Associate, SENR The effects of manipulating Ca:Mg ...
New Resources on Pollinators
habitats is important. Ohio State’s Bee Lab is dedicated to research and outreach on topics related to ... resources including current research, and information on the Ohio Bee Atlas, to which citizen scientists can ...
OFFER Booth at Mt. Hope Organic Farming Conference
State research and resources. For a list of speakers and topics, go to ...
A Profile of Organic Corn Production in the Midwest and Northeast
their management practices. Additional information will be help guide education and research initiatives ...
CABLE Student Delegate Spotlight: Ernesto Zuleta
attracted you to CABLE and what do you hope to gain from your experience? My research field is chemical ... that are involved in this sector from the industry, the academy, and the research sector was what ... and expand my professional network. What are your career aspirations? My passion is research in ...
Soil Balancing Call-in Conversation
researchers discuss the numbers we have and the numbers we wish we had. ...
Alumni Faculty & Students
Professor in the Biosystems Engineering Department at Auburn University. His research interests include: ... and Engineering. Dr. Arment’s research areas include the bioremediation of xenobiotics, improving the ... degrees. He became interested in teaching and research while working under the supervision of Dr. Edward ...