
Search results

  1. OCVN Profiles in Service Webinar

    Ohio Dragonfly research, presented by Jim Lemon, OCVN 2017 is the first year of a planned ... an Adobe Connect Meeting. Meeting Name: OCVN Profiles in Service: Ohio Dragonfly Research Summary: ...

  2. Mitigation of Cold Damage in Grapevines: Science & Practice

    Invited Speaker:  Dr. Martin Goffinet Dr. Martin Goffinet is a Research Scientist whose research ... efficiently producing high quality fruits, vegetables, and seeds in the past 30+ years.  Most of his research ... when grapevines are damaged by cold. He will also present research on cane burial as a winter ...

  3. Dr. Imed Dami

    Dr. Imed Dami Professor Viticulture Research/Extension/Grape Management/Cold Hardiness 216 Gourley ... Assistant Professor with research and extension responsibilities in viticulture. Dr. Dami received his ... rapidly growing grape and wine industry. Dr. Dami has a strong research background in stress physiology, ...

  4. Grape Disease Control, 2017- Wayne Wilcox- Cornell University

    fungal diseases: faculty colleagues and cooperators (David Gadoury, Lance-Cadle-Davidson); research ... program at the Lake Erie grape research facilities, for his (and the crew’s) invaluable input on the work ...

  5. Other Resources

    researched knowledge from the best land-grant university minds across America.  eXtension connects knowledge ...

  6. Wine Grape Disease, Insect and Weed Diagnostic Workshop, Piketon

    Ohio vineyards.  Two locations: 1) July 21, 2017  Ashtabula Agricultural Research Station.  Contact: ...

  7. InterLibrary Loan (ILL)

    Students: Students who need a book or article for research and cannot find it anywhere should see ...

  8. Wine Grape Disease, Insect and Weed Diagnostic Workshop, Ashtabula

    Ohio vineyards.  Two locations: 1) July 21, 2017  Ashtabula Agricultural Research Station.  Contact: ...

  9. Tips and Events for the Week of Oct. 29

    focuses her research on two areas: the evolution of the human diet; and, yes, bugs you can nosh on. She’s ... Balancing Call-in Conversation,  a panel of researchers, farmers and consultants will discuss the past, ...

  10. 2016 Grape Kick-Off Meeting, MI

    Damage: Research & Observations"                   Dr. Bruce Bordelon "Double Pruning for ... Frost Protection" Location:  Southwest Michigan Research & Extension Center Flier:   ...
