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  1. Long-term Effects of Repeated Prescribed Burning on Tree Growth and Drought Vulnerability in Red Pine Forests in Northern Minnesota

    Alessandra Bottero, NE CSC Postdoctoral Fellow & Research Associate, University of Minnesota. Bottero ...

  2. 2016 Corn Silage Crop in Ohio

    (from a reputable company with research showing efficacy) buchneri inoculant may be especially ... nutrients balanced using other high-quality forages and concentrates. Some University of Georgia researchers ...

  3. Nest Survival of Urban-adapted Songbirds in Residential Yards and Adjacent Forest Parks

    Nest Survival of Urban-adapted Songbirds in Residential Yards and Adjacent Forest Parks Research ...

  4. It Is Not Too Late to Apply Nitrogen on Wheat

    a 60 bu potential.  Nitrogen rate studies at the Northwest Agricultural Research Station have shown the ...

  5. Damping-off is Not Always Caused by Water Molds and Fungi; Insects Can Play a Role Too

    Editor's note: Meredith Eyre, Graduate Research Assistant, was an author on this article. ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2012-08

    trials conducted in 1996-1990, Purdue researchers reported that strip intercropping  (involving eight row ...  These finding are similar to the results of most published university research regarding relative yields ... from.   At the present time, there is still much research needed to determine whether this is ...

  7. Botulism Prevention with Small Grain Baleage

    but certainly no later than 8 to 10 hours after baling. There is quite a lot of research that ...

  8. Learn About World’s Largest Water Quality Trading Program

    Alto, California-based Electric Power Research Institute, which started and is leading the project. Tim ...

  9. Ohio Dragonfly Research, presented by Jim Lemon, OCVN

    2017 is the first year of a planned three- year statewide survey; the first large scale effort since the 1990's. We are looking to get good data primarily through photographic observation and also collecting. We will be using iNaturalist for photo su ...

  10. Liming Considerations

    magnesium. Extensive research has shown that crops yield the same over a wide range of calcium to magnesium ... production since the last Ohio research was completed in the early 1980s. For now, the focus should be ...
