
Search results

  1. Soil Sampling in the Spring vs. Fall

    a long-term fertilizer trial at three OSU research farms in Clark, Wayne and Wood Counties. We sampled soils ...

  2. Alumni Connection Spring 2016

    Olentangy River Wetland Research Park Program Endowment Fund OTHER ENDOWMENT AND GIFT FUNDS 601755  John F. ... Sociology 308031  Shade Tree Evaluation 309710  Wetlands Research 310207  Mitsch Memorial 314223  Youth Beat ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-20

    regions- Western Research Station (South Charleston, west/central Ohio), Northwest Research Station ... herbicide. The effect of weather was evident in our research plots, where the effectiveness of the standard ... applications have been infested with stem-boring insects. University research has shown some potential for ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-05

    Wheat with Liquid Swine Manure Corn Flea Beetle and Stewart's Leaf Blight Research Summary of Wheat ... cannot use flumioxazin or sulfentrazone products?  The most effective stategy based on our research would ... Northwest Agricultural Research Station have shown the optimum rate varies depending on the year. However, ...

  5. Prepping Your Yield Monitor for the 2016 Harvest Season

    on-farm research) can be valuable data when finally sitting down for post-harvest analysis and summary.  ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-40

    significance difference” or LSD is often mentioned at Extension meetings where research information is ... like those for the Ohio corn, soybean and forage trials that provide summaries of field research. The ... they do not). A significance level is the level of probability that the researcher is using. For this ...

  7. 2016 Farmer Led Water Quality Monitoring

    with a water monitoring research project looking at Dissolved Reactive Phosphorus losses from fields.  ...

  8. Birthright: People and Nature in the Modern World

    Stephen R. Kellert, author and Tweedy/Ordway Professor Emeritus of Social Ecology and Senior Research ...

  9. Analyzing Ohio State University’s Food Purchasing System: Opportunities for Change through the Real Food Challenge

    achieve alternative food system goals and further research questions are raised.     ...

  10. Deciding How to Decide: An Evaluation of Cultural Typologies on the Structure of Watershed Organizations

    important consideration. The intent of this research project is to uncover the factors that influence the ...
