
Search results

  1. Team Science and the Role of Research Development Professionals

    Federal agencies are increasingly allocating funding to address societal Grand Challenges. Universities understand that mounting successful efforts in response require team science approaches.  RA/RD professionals play an essential role in supporting thes ...

  2. Limited Submission Opportunites

    applications that can be submitted by Ohio State investigators. The Ohio State University Office of Research ...

  3. Grant Writing:An Introduction

    Dinessa Solomon, Director, Foundation Relations, and Jeff Agnoli, Office of Research. For more funding ...

  4. August

    tables; each presenter will sit at a table and describe their research, often with paper handouts.  Each ... a section reception where you can meet other researchers in environmental sociology.  Other sections of ASA ... communities, and the environment.   RSS Research Interest Groups (RIGs) cover many topics of interest to the ...

  5. Write Winning Grant Proposals

    Research.   This all-day presentation is the cornerstone of Grant Writers' Seminars and Workshops ...

  6. GIS Essentials Quick Start Workshop

    This is a new offering from New Urban Research on Feb 1, March 1, April 5, May 1, June 13, July ... thousands of professional how to use ArcGIS through New Urban Research's GIS Essentials mapping ...

  7. Current Project Summaries

    the classroom.  Past research has indicated a broad range of benefits for children, including ... increased physical activity, stress reduction, and environmental concern in later life.  Research questions ... rural communities.  This ongoing research focuses on two areas:  1) Hometown attachment among college ...

  8. 11/1/16- 4-H In-Service Poster Presentation Application

    Impact Area Please provide an abstract describing your poster and any applicable research (250 Words): ...

  9. Time, Space, and Access to Healthy Foods

    research. Widener’s work was featured recently in  The Atlantic Cities:  http://www.theatlanticcities. ...

  10. Numeracy and Risk Perception

    Dimensions of Environment (HDE) Research Group and Communication, Health, Attitude Structure & Social ...
