
Search results

  1. Two CFAES Alums Honored by Ohio State Alumni Association

    make an impact on “people who looked like me: people of color.”He introduced undergraduate research and ...

  2. Bugs to the Rescue!

    CFAES plant pathology researchers Peg Redinbaugh and Guo-Liang Wang lead the Insect Allies- Team ...

  3. Bee Lab Research

    Insect pollinators are vital for the production of many fruits, nuts and vegetables, including apples, blueberries, almonds, tomatoes and pumpkins.   These crops are also vulnerable to pests and diseases, which are often controlled by farmers using pestic ...

  4. BRDI Biomass Research & Development USDA Grant Update

    OBN Webinar Series- BRDI Biomass Research & Development USDA Grant Update- Feautring: Dr. Jose ...

  5. Front Page Welcome Section

    non-biased, research-based information to stakeholders to help protect crops, natural resources, structures, ... and human and animal health.  We invite you to explore, learn, study and research with us! ...

  6. Discovery Themes Seed Grant Showcase

    Come learn about the exciting research being supported by the Discovery Theme Initiatives Seed ...

  7. Insect Night, a free family event

    kids of all ages and their families at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC), ...

  8. A Collaborative Look at Human and Animal Interaction

    The new Center for Human-Animal Interactions Research & Education recently opened on the ...

  9. Faculty Mentor Spotlight: Joe Bozell

    research activities. How do you think being a mentor for CABLE Student Delegates will impact their ... leadership development? I’ve worked in industry, government research and now, academics. CABLE has offered me ... research, my implementation of this lesson is a little narrower than the sense of this question, in that ...

  10. "Understanding the Amish: Persistence and Change" a lecture by Joseph Donnermeyer, SENR Professor Emeritus

    research and creative activities. Lectures are free and open to the public.  This lecture will guide the ...
