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  1. Home

    Ensuring safe drinking water while keeping farms productive and profitable Ohio State researchers ...

  2. Experts: Smaller Algal Bloom Predicted For Western Lake Erie

    2015. The U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and its research partners predict that ... leading a new, two-year project funded by the Ohio Department of Education’s Harmful Algal Bloom Research ...

  3. Farmer/Farm Advisor Water Quality Sampling Network

    A research team led by Greg LaBarge, an Ohio State University Extension field specialist and a leader of Ohio ... with farm level data on management practices that can be used by researchers on projects to lessen the ...

  4. ACEL alum named director of Ohio State ATI

    campus and emerging e-Learning instruction, research, service, engagement and marketing, and student ...

  5. Harvesting and Storing Corn Silage

    for corn is 4 to 6 inches and most of the research on high cut corn had stubble heights of 15 to 18 ... inches. Based on research studies: High cut reduces dry matter yield 4 to 6% (this means production costs ... cutting height will unquestionably reduce yields, but based on research, it is unlikely to result in ...

  6. Human Resource Managers' Forum Will Feature Job Description and At-Will Employment Guidance

    and research focusing on employee management and family business relations. In the afternoon, Ms. ...

  7. Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference: Another Successful Year

    participating (3 each from Ohio State, Purdue, and Michigan State universities). The graduate student research ...

  8. Calf Behavior and Bedding Materials

    calves spend a lot of their day lying down.  Research from the University of Guelph indicates that calves ...

  9. Roth to complete internship with AmericanHort

    retailers, interior plantscapers, florists, students, educators, researchers, manufacturers, and anyone part ...

  10. Delay Placing Fly Control Ear Tags

    products and other products that provide control of fly larvae in the manure. Research has indicated that ... research indicate that sustainable horn fly control may be best attained by an integrated approach that ...
