
Search results

  1. Who is the New Guy?

    faculty at The Ohio State University at the Wooster Campus. I have a research and Extension position, so ... first research experience as an undergraduate with Dr. Jill Anderson. I am still a passionate Jackrabbit ... quite a wide range of research during my PhD. We investigated Enogen silage, ruminal acidosis, and ...

  2. New Faculty Member in Animal Welfare

    California in 2012, where I started researching heat stress in dairy cattle, with a strong focus on ...

  3. 4-H Horse Publications & Resources

    researched knowledge from the smartest land-grant university minds across America. eXtension connects ...

  4. Camera Obscura (Pinhole Camera)

    Works.” Cornea Research Foundation of America. “How Does ...

  5. Recognition of historical injustices in agriculture and the importance of environmental experiences for racial healing

    recognized expert in the anthropology of African American farming, has been lecturing, researching, teaching, ... urban agriculture and provide more research funding. Offering specific advice for the Office of Urban ... eighteen years, she has been researching, teaching, and writing about black farmers, producing articles, ...

  6. Insect Adventures 1

    Traps  To collect insects for ecological research, scientists all over the world use pitfall and pan ...

  7. Hemlock-ed In! From Cleveland’s parks to the Hocking Hills, meet our leaders conserving one of Ohio’s most spectacular evergreen trees

    previously for the USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station assisting with research on the impacts of ... research positions at the University of Michigan and the New York Botanical Garden.  She retired as ... of professional experience in forestry and natural resources education, management and research ...

  8. About Ohio 4-H

    a particular practice, idea, or piece of information.   4-H Is Based on Research 4-H Youth Development is part ... of Ohio State University Extension. OSU Extension research shows that Ohio youth credit their 4-H ... clubs with making them better citizens, leaders, and communicators.  Research from Tufts University ...

  9. Poultry

    Resources Careers Downloadable List of Poultry Resources Need some reliable, research-based sources for ...

  10. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins, and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    April F. White, Graduate Research Associate, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State ...
