
Search results

  1. Glen Arnold

    research on using liquid livestock manure to replace commercially purchased fertilizer on wheat and corn. ...

  2. Striped bass

    Research on breeding, genetics, culture, and feed requirements of striped bass have been ... production and commercial growout in regions more distant from the Atlantic Coast.  Research focuses: Design ...

  3. Epigenetics

    Mounting evidence from epigenetic research in humans and animals has demonstrated that epigenetics ... response of farm animals and aquaculture species. Research interests and focuses: Epigenetically modulated ...

  4. Garth Ruff

    research and teaching efforts include direct marketing of animal products, forage and field crop trials, ... matter focus and provide overall leadership for a comprehensive teaching and applied research program to ... relationships, and foster collaborations across the state, including with campus researchers, to complement what ...

  5. Dr. Hanping Wang and colleagues published third book ‘Epigenetics in Aquaculture’

    Dr. Hanping Wang, Principal Scientist at the Ohio Center for Aquaculture Research and Development at ... an increasing number of diseases. Thus, there is a lot of research ongoing in the epigenetics of ... implementation of epigenetic research, not only in ecology and evolution for its contribution to adaption to new ...

  6. Sustainable Aquaponics

    such as rockwool with rhizosphere, and 5) sludge. Research interests and focuses: Improvement of ...

  7. Chris Zoller

    management, dairy and livestock production, and agronomic and forage crop production. Chris conducts research ... facilities. He has researched and conducted analysis of farm production, evaluated variable seeding rates of ...

  8. Student Cooperative Start-up Toolkit

    Agriculture Research & Education (SARE) program of USDA focused on enhancing the student-led cooperative ...

  9. Connections Newsletter

    research, and activities at OSU South Centers in Piketon. Our communications goals at South centers include ...

  10. Grants

    statewide research and outreach programs, and received ~$10.5M awards for 79 projects.  Funding source ...
