
Search results

  1. LabArchives Professional Edition Overview

    enhance research productivity and data integrity. Identify resources available to support LabArchives ...

  2. Grape Disease Control, 2017- Wayne Wilcox- Cornell University

    fungal diseases: faculty colleagues and cooperators (David Gadoury, Lance-Cadle-Davidson); research ... program at the Lake Erie grape research facilities, for his (and the crew’s) invaluable input on the work ...

  3. DC Days 2017

    submitting research proposals to federal agencies. Read the full article here. ...

  4. The Ethics of Co-Authorship in Research


  5. Finding Funding Workshop

    relevant to your research?  Join Jeff Agnoli of the Office of Research for this interactive workshop, where ... and grant writing resources available to researchers at Ohio State.  Attendees are encouraged to bring ...

  6. Data Management Plan (DMP) Tool Workshop

    a researcher's grant proposal.  In this session, we will discuss the information that researchers should dbe ... management plans with the online DMPTool, which walks researchers through a funding agency's specific ...

  7. Other Resources

    researched knowledge from the best land-grant university minds across America.  eXtension connects knowledge ...

  8. Animal Subjects, Biosafety and Grants

    Staff in the Office of Responsible Research Practices will talk about federal regulations and ...

  9. HEAL MAPPS Community Involvement

    Participatory Photographic Surveys, or HEAL MAPPS TM, is a community-based research process that uses ... community‐based participatory research (CBPR) to accomplish two objectives: (1) document attributes of the ... healthy food access. The OSU research team and mappers developed a presentation for the community using ...

  10. Wine Grape Disease, Insect and Weed Diagnostic Workshop, Piketon

    Ohio vineyards.  Two locations: 1) July 21, 2017  Ashtabula Agricultural Research Station.  Contact: ...
