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C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-01
Research and Development Center. C.O.R.N. Questions are directed to State Specialists, Extension ... Associates, and Agents associated with Ohio State University Extension and the Ohio Agricultural Research and ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-24
plentiful at all times). Although some believe that corn grows best when nights are hot, past research shows ... grain yield. Research conducted at the University of the Illinois indicated that corn grown at night ...
FABE faculty Drs. Li and Martin make the Columbus Dispatch with their research on algae
Millions of Dollar go to Ohio scientists studying algae ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-41
SCN Pressure and Soybean Yield As part of a multi-state, 3-year North Central Soybean Research Program ...
2015 OARDC Annual Research Conference
Water Quality: Sustaining a Vital Resource ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-14
Thomison Past university research indicates that optimal plant populations for early (mid to late April) ... glyphosate. This has occasionally improved control in OSU research with certain glyphosate products. Most ...
$6.5M Grant for Bioenergy and Biofuel Research
FABE faculty members have received a $6.5 million grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Department of Energy to test and expand a university-developed technology that can produce biogas from a variety of solid organic wastes and bioen ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-08
but this approach typically costs more than it saves. Most research suggests that planting a hybrid at ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-37
unfortunately is also one of the strongest known hosts of SCN. OSU research conducted over a five-year period ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-15
varieties of alfalfa, the economic threshold established from research is three leafhoppers per inch of ...