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J.M. Smucker Co. Commits $1M to Ohio State for Food Innovation Research, Scholarships
committed $1 million to support ongoing research and student success at Ohio State University's College of ... contribute to Ohio's food industry, as well as support research that will lead to discoveries for ... fund undergraduate research in food innovation and student support, including a scholarship to honor Bobby ...
Unconscious eating? CFAES scientist explores mysteries of appetite
to what's around us, according to a sensory researcher with CFAES. "Our environment can ... first graduate student as a research assistant in August. "With better ways to measure consumer ... has an appointment with the college's research arm, OARDC. One of Simons' new testing ...
Protect Public Health
and partners have identified key areas where a little more research would go a long way to helping ... researchers is helping to determine whether certain foods like fish and irrigated produce are safe to eat ... Smarter charcoal use: guidance for plants during bloom season Research in progress at The Ohio State ...
Reduce Nutrient Runoff
Lead: Wu Lu, Ohio State University. Read more... Manure treatment: Research Aims to Take the P and N out ... application information at the farm level? Researchers are The Ohio State University soon will have an App for ... Projects What Really Works? Reducing Dissolved Reactive Phosphorus Ohio researchers are working to identify ...
Transitioning to organic? A three-year project studies the effects of different transitional strategies
How to Write an Abstract
How to Write a Research Abstract "Scientific Abstract" (Key points from presentation by ... Michelle Hendrick, CFAES and Gamma Sigma Delta Undergraduate Research Workshop 2014) ...
September Newsletter
(Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education) Grant Proposals For more information about this highly ... CFAES provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For ...
LeJeune working with U.N. to combat antibiotic resistance
Jeffrey LeJeune, head of the college's Food Animal Health Research Program, is in the midst ... LeJeune said. The plan calls for increases in research, surveillance and monitoring, among other action ... conducting some cutting-edge research, LeJeune said. The national action plan also calls for increases in ...
NOAA, partners predict severe harmful algal bloom for Lake Erie
NOAA and its research partners, using an ensemble modeling approach, predict that the 2015 western ... forecasting applied research lead at NCCOS, who formally presented the forecast in a media event and science ... Cooperative Institute for Limnology and Ecosystems Research, and the NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research ...
Honors Graduation Student Breakfast
individuals who are graduating with Honors with Research Distinction, Latin Honors, and Research Distinction. ...