
Search results

  1. How to Hire an Arborist

    of arboriculture among its members and the public, sponsors research, produces educational materials, ...

  2. Soybean Cyst Nematode

    a type of resistance known as partial resistance. In research, resistance to SCN is defined as less than ... evaluated in a few locations. There is variability among SCN populations, and more research is in progress ...

  3. Tick Bites for Trainers and Supervisors

    Agricultural Safety and Health, Ohio State University Extension; Michael Wonacott, Research Specialist, ...

  4. Wood Chippers and Shredders Safety for Trainers and Landscapers

    Agricultural Safety and Health, Ohio State University Extension; Michael Wonacott, Research Specialist, ...

  5. Workplace Violence for Trainers and Supervisors

    Wonacott, Research Specialist, Vocational Education; Peter Ling, Greenhouse Specialist; and Thomas Bean, ...

  6. Safely Starting and Stopping a Tractor for Trainers and Supervisors

    Agricultural Safety and Health, Ohio State University Extension; Michael Wonacott, Research Specialist, ...

  7. Safe Use of Flammable Liquids for Trainers and Supervisors

    Agricultural Safety and Health, Ohio State University Extension; Michael Wonacott, Research Specialist, ...

  8. Spider Bites for Trainers and Supervisors

    University Extension; Michael Wonacott, Research Specialist, Vocational Education; Peter Ling, Greenhouse ...

  9. Struck-by Incidents for Trainers and Supervisors

    Wonacott, Research Specialist, Vocational Education; Peter Ling, Greenhouse Specialist; and Thomas Bean, ...

  10. Beech Bark Disease

    percentage of trees that appear to be resistant to beech scale have been identified, and researchers are ... Disease in North America: Over a century of research revisited. 2017. Forest Ecology and Management. 394: ...
