
Search results

  1. Ohio Composting Industry Tour Is Aug. 24

    Research and Development Center (OARDC), 1680 Madison Ave., in Wooster. Seating in the van is limited and ... must be reserved when you register. The van will return to Wooster by 6 p.m. OARDC is CFAES’s research ...

  2. Jump-Starting Rural Economies

    which conducts research, teaching and outreach within CFAES. Farm income has diminished for the past ...

  3. Online Tickets Available, New Online Directory and App for Farm Science Review Goers

    Extension, as well as the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. OSU Extension is the outreach ... arm of the college and OARDC is the research arm. “Farmers in 2017 need to find a way to increase ...

  4. OSU Viticulture Student Earns 4 National Scholarships

    dissertations, continuing education, career development, travel related to teaching/research/learning, etc. 4. ...

  5. Dami's Research Recognized Nationally

    Dami and his group were recognized for their research and published article on ice wines and ...

  6. Ohio Land Exchange Workshop

    The Ohio Land Exchange is an action-research project that seeks to test the feasibility of a new ...

  7. Journal Information

    NACAA Published online twice a year and accepts articles on research, case studies, outstanding programs ... the world. Feature, Research in Brief, and Ideas at Work submissions undergo double-blind review, and ... engagement between higher education institutions and communities. Submission Guidelines Education Research ...

  8. Webinars

    Western Center for Metropolitan Extension and Research- Presentation on OSU Extension in the City ...

  9. Best Boss Ever

    self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with them while they do it.”- Theodore Roosevelt Research indicates ...

  10. Applying Your Strengths at Work Online Workshop

    contribution to your organization. The Gallup organization has found through its research that: People who know ...
