
Search results

  1. Fisher Auditorium

    classroom, and OARDC research library. The Auditorium has 976 seats (+12 wheelchair accessible spaces), each ...

  2. Release Time Versus Vacation

    established. The main purpose for all employees should be to support the research of OARDC during the workday. ...

  3. Visit Wooster

    and OARDC, with its world-renowned research programs. The Wooster campus was established in 1892 as ...

  4. Gwynne a Green Spot at Farm Science Review

    float to the surface, are netted and safely released. For fish researchers, it’s a way to see what’s ...

  5. Farmers: 3 days to hone your business’s edge, 4,000 ways to see how

    by CFAES, including OARDC, Farm Science Review features the latest agricultural practices, research ...

  6. August

    tables; each presenter will sit at a table and describe their research, often with paper handouts.  Each ... a section reception where you can meet other researchers in environmental sociology.  Other sections of ASA ... communities, and the environment.   RSS Research Interest Groups (RIGs) cover many topics of interest to the ...

  7. Summer Grafting Workshop

    Bono not included. The arboretum is at the  Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. The ...

  8. Soil, Water and Bioenergy Field Night

    at 1864 Shyville Road in Piketon. Meet in the Research and Extension Building’s auditorium. Admission ...

  9. GIS Essentials Quick Start Workshop

    This is a new offering from New Urban Research on Feb 1, March 1, April 5, May 1, June 13, July ... thousands of professional how to use ArcGIS through New Urban Research's GIS Essentials mapping ...

  10. 2017 Agricultural Diversification Research Tour

