
Search results

  1. Represent Ohio State in CABLE

    meetings, conducting research, and writing up findings Participate in (or review afterward) 8 webinars and ...

  2. Free Pumpkin Night Sept. 15 Focuses on Jack-O-Lanterns, Pie and Specialty Pumpkins Among Others

    Centers, 1864 Shyville Road, Piketon, the Pumpkin Field Day will also offer growers the newest research on ... college. In addition to a walking tour of the center’s pumpkin variety evaluations and field research ...

  3. Monthly Newsletter (January 2015)

    Research News is a monthly electronic newsletter for faculty and other members of the FAES ... research community that summarizes upcoming funding opportunities and provides updates, strategies, and ...

  4. Protecting and Promoting Your Research: From Copyright to Commercialization

    Protecting and Promoting Your Research: From Copyright to Commercialization Concerned about ... retaining ownership of your research output or getting assistance with publisher’s agreements?  Interested ... consider for protecting and promoting original research. Register:  ...

  5. Genetics and Biotechnology

    Breeding  programs for soybean, tomato, corn and other plants. Research is directed at improved yield, plant ... researchers in genetics, molecular biology and plant pathology. The  USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) ... Corn and Soybean Research Unit , located on the OARDC campus in Wooster, conducts research on corn and ...

  6. Addressing equity and inclusion in your research mentoring

    This workshop is designed for mentors of undergraduate and graduate students, postdocs, and junior faculty. During this workshop, participating faculty will learn how to acknowledge the impact of conscious and unconscious assumptions, privilege, stereotyp ...

  7. Billion Ton Bioeconomy

    simultaneously making great strides towards a more sustainable world. It adds new clarity to our research and ...

  8. Undisciplined Research: Planning and Publishing Across Disciplinary Boundaries

    Undisciplined Research: Planning and Publishing Across Disciplinary Boundaries Looking for ... about valuable tools for finding collaborators and making your work more accessible to researchers in ... ...

  9. Opening Access to Your Research: Strategies for Digital Scholarship

    Opening Access to Your Research: Strategies for Digital Scholarship Curious about ways to ... disseminate your work online?  Thinking about creating a website or blog to showcase your research?  Wondering ... Publishing Program to learn more about increasing the visibility and impact of your research through digital ...

  10. Big Data, Water Quality Focus of Conservation Tillage Conference March 3-4

    Agricultural Research and Development Center. OSU Extension and OARDC are the outreach and research arms of the ... research, insight, tips and techniques on conservation tillage including cover crops, no-till, soil quality, ... will feature some 60 presenters, including 20 CFAES researchers and Extension educators, as well as ...
