
Search results

  1. FY23 Internal Grants Program Request for Proposals are due by Oct. 12

    CFAES Office for Research and Graduate Education. Internal grants program awards are intended to ... accomplish the following objectives: increase the competitiveness of researchers in extramural grant ... programs; enhance and encourage creative and innovative research needed to prepare competitive extramural ...

  2. Ohio State chosen as research home for Starlab’s George Washington Carver Science Park Terrestrial Laboratory

    to space research.  Voyager Space   announced today it has selected a proposal  from the university, ... the Starlab space station science park and allows researchers to test missions and conduct parallel ... sharing resources, research and knowledge across multiple disciplines." The research conducted at the ...

  3. Winston Receives ASLA Honor Award

    Agricultural and Biological Engineering Assistant Professor Ryan Winston the Honor Award in the Research ... overlooked bits of infrastructure. This is a significant contribution to materials-based research methods and ...

  4. H. Allen Klaiber

    Environmental and Resource Economists. Allen's research program focuses on linking environmental services ... make to alter environmental services and their surroundings are revealed.  Allen’s research focuses on ... human behavior and choices.  Specifically, Allen’s research program pushes the frontier of our ...

  5. 2022 Ohio Maple Day to be Held on Dec. 10

    toolbox. Presentations will address red maple research, reverse osmosis, marketing, and maple insects. SAF ...

  6. OSU USDA research meeting

    200 (Wooster) requested by HongYoung Jeon Wednesday, February 22, 2023- 10:30am to 12:00pm ...

  7. 2023 National Extension Conference on Volunteerism Requests Proposals by Nov. 1

    engagement, retention, training, research, access, inclusion, and much more. Presentation proposals are ...

  8. Downscaling the measurement of sustainability

    collaboration with other Ohio State researchers through a grant from the National Science Foundation that is ...

  9. 2022 Agricultural Policy and Outlook Conference

    Ohio State University Byrd Polar & Climate Research Center) who will examine "More land or ...

  10. Workshop: Why Impact Reporting Matters and How To Do It Well – Oct. 26

    This virtual workshop will explain the role impact reporting plays in supporting research programs ...
