
Search results

  1. Ujor and Ezeji receive NSF grant

    butanol. Undergraduate and graduate students will receive hands-on research training and mentorship. ...

  2. 2018 Annual Open House!

    Education Canoes will be available during the event for use on our Research Lake OSU Extension Franklin ...

  3. Ghana STEAM Project Based Learning Workshops

    Submitted by D. Elder, Ohio State ATI’s 2018 Ghana Research and Education Abroad ...

  4. Assigning Research

    Here are some tips to improve students' research when assigning a paper/project requiring ... help: a librarian  can come into your class  and teach students about research skills, plagiarism, and ... citations you can reserve the library computer lab (15 computers) for a research class period, and ...

  5. Health and Safety

    University Police mission is to help provide a safe environment in which the academic and research missions ...

  6. Make a Withdrawal from your Soil Weed Seed Bank: Stale Seedbed Technique

    harvest. Research indicates that 3-4 years of using this approach will result in a field with relatively ...

  7. Chadwick Arboretum to hold Spring Plant Sale

    our education and research programs. We offer plants that we know will be successful for you and, in ...

  8. Chow Line: How to Carve Pumpkins Safely

    and Environmental Sciences and its outreach and research arms, OSU Extension and the Ohio Agricultural ... Research and Development Center. Send questions to Chow Line, c/o Tracy Turner, 364 W. Lane Ave., Suite ...

  9. COMPSTDS 2301 World Literature Fischer

    let's find some poetry. Use the names/titles from your background research. 1. Poetry Foundation 2. ...

  10. Building Ohio State: From Forest to the Renovation of Thompson Library

    a land-grant institution, the University has been instrumental in promoting research, education and management ... ensure that we continue to have trees on our campus for education, research, and enjoyment. ...
