
Search results

  1. Hans Klompen

    43212 PhD, University of Michigan Systematics and Evolution of mites My main research interests are in ...

  2. Norman Johnson

    for publication to the Journal of Hymenoptera Research. Souza, J., I. Fernandes, D. Agosti, and N.F. ... (Hymenoptera, Scelionidae, Scelioninae). Submitted for publication in the Journal of Hymenoptera Research ... of Hymenoptera Research. Noronha, A.C. da S., D. Garcia Blanco, V.A. Costa, R.B.Q. da Silva, D.G. de ...

  3. Graduate

    across the U.S. and around the world Our faculty has diverse research interests. Much of the research ... Individual and collaborative research programs are further synergized by a breadth of experience and ... ability to perform research, to apply critical and creative thinking and an ethical framework to address ...

  4. Bruce A. McPheron, PhD

    of Entomological Research 96: 505-521. Schwarz, D., Matta, B. M., Shakir-Botteri, N. L., & ... entomology, arthropod taxonomy and evolution, molecular methods, and international agriculture.  His research ... (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Africa using PCR and RFLP analyses. Bulletin of Entomological Research 96: ...

  5. Faculty Research Areas

    professional preparedness, and insect physiology (my former area of research). Luis Canas The long term goals ... core objectives of my research program will be (1) to advance our understanding of ecological ... economic decline, home foreclosure, and population loss. Researchers in the lab examine how the landscape ...

  6. Mary Gardiner

    on undergraduate research) H Index: 25 ~Perry, K.I., C.B. Riley, F. Fan, J. Radl, D.A. Herms and M.M. ... Landis. 2010. Implications of three biofuel crops for beneficial arthropods. BioEnergy Research 3: 6-19 ... co-director of the Ohio State Environmental Sciences Graduate Program. Her research in insect ecology and ...

  7. Erin Michel

    Erin Michel Research Technician 3, Tilmon & Michel Labs 200 Wooster Science ...

  8. Megan Meuti (Nicol)

    (Wollaston)(Hymenoptera, Scelionidae, Telenominae). Journal of Hymenoptera Research, 87, p.251. Fyie, L.R.ˠ, Gardiner, M.M. ... teaching and learning Insect molecular physiology Mosquitoes and other insect disease vectors Research ... of Hymenoptera Research, 87, p.251. Fyie, L.R. G, Gardiner, M.M. and Meuti, M.E., 2021. Artificial ...

  9. The Introverted Leader

    article, “Why Introverts Make some of the Best Leaders.” She shares that research shows, introverted ... an introvert successfully cultivate these traits? Learn, from research-based information, that in ...

  10. About the UTBZ

    Newsletter Introduction to the United Titanium Bug Zoo Virtual tour of UTBZ & wooster research facilities ...
