
Search results

  1. Dr. Gireesh Rajashekara awarded the 2024 Distinguished Graduate Student Mentor Award

    passion, research with integrity, and inspire our graduate students to become the leaders of tomorrow.  ... Gireesh’s research team is focused on studying animal health and zoonotic disease problems in food-producing ... productive researcher and more than 140 peer-reviewed publications and with multiple patents. As an advisor, ...

  2. Precipitation, Cooler Weather, and Corn Dry Down

    Research in Ohio Past research in Ohio evaluating drydown provides insights on effects of weather ...

  3. Interdisciplinary Water Symposium 2024

    exciting water-related research being performed! The symposium will be held on  November 8, 2024,  at the ... students performing water-related research at institutions of higher education in Ohio will have the ... opportunity to present their research in the form of oral presentations, flash talks, or poster presentations. ...

  4. Can Drinking Water Treatment Remove Microplastics?

    Now, new research funded by Ohio Sea Grant is helping scientists and decision-makers better understand ... particles. “We’re conducting this research because of increasing evidence demonstrating the presence of ...

  5. SENR Announcements, September 30

    and Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center at The Ohio University >> October 15: SENR Seminar ... Series>> welcomes SENR PhD Students presenting their research October 22: SENR Seminar Series>> ... PhD Students presenting their research November 8: Ohio Water Resources Center-   Interdisciplinary ...

  6. 18th Annual Stinner Summit

    farmers, researchers, educators, policy leaders, and organizations together in a different location. Using ...

  7. TWEL Ashlyn Halseth

    that sarcoptic mange infestations are rather influenced by inter-individual variation. Our research is ...

  8. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins, and Comparisons of Feedstuffs Prices

    OSU, my research will center around dairy cattle nutrition, with a focus on rumen health. My faculty ...

  9. Footbath Practices for Lameness Prevention

    not as widely researched but has efficacy in controlling digital dermatitis at a concentration of 5 to ...

  10. SENR Seminar Series- Attempting to solve the soil – water – phosphorus puzzle

    as a USDA-Agricultural Research Service scientist will be presented. About the presenter Dr. Jim ... burned, and metal-contaminated mined-land ecosystems.  His research program connects the intimate linkages ...
