
Search results

  1. Kalcic research group meetings

    202 Monday, September 16, 2019- 12:00pm to 2:00pm ...

  2. Ohio SWCS

    the world.  They include researchers, administrators, planners, policymakers, technical advisors, ...

  3. Philosophy on Partnerships

    research within the scope of Extension’s program areas. Extension is not a regulatory or enforcement ... values of working with people, using research-based information, the process of scholarship, and the ... administrative units- OSU Research Foundation, OSU Development Fund, or the Extension Business Office- understand ...

  4. Newest Fellows of National Academy of Inventors

    Caroline Whitacre, Vice President for Research at Ohio State, and Katrina Cornish, Endowed Chair ... and Ohio Research Scholar, Bioemergent Materials, in the Department of Horticulture and Crop Science ...

  5. WPS Federal Rule Changes- Webinar

    managers of farms, nurseries, and plant production research. WPS protects employees involved in plant ... rule applies to plant production for research or profit. There have been changes in the frequency and ...

  6. Major Program Areas

    and improve your life based on research rooted information and programming. Though topics vary from ...

  7. Jepsen to lead International Society of Agricultural Safety and Health

    about research and intervention programs, improving professional skills and knowledge, networking and ...

  8. Nutrient Management Field Day – Wood County

    The field day includes field demonstrations and research updates. The program meets the ...

  9. Western ARS Nutrient Management Field Day

    The field day include field demonstrations and research updates. The program meets the ...

  10. Hops Production- First Friday Tours

    Growers and others interested in learning more about the Ohio hops research at The Ohio State ... and anyone else interested in hops production an opportunity to tour the hop research trials. The ... Research and Development Center in Wooster. Participants can learn basic information on how to get started ...
