
Search results

  1. Small-Engine Machine Safety for Trainers and Supervisors

    Wonacott, Research Specialist, Vocational Education; Peter Ling, Greenhouse Specialist; and Thomas Bean, ...

  2. All Things Sweet: Sugar and Other Sweeteners

    headaches. Additionally, even though artificial sweeteners are calorie-free, some research studies suggest ...

  3. Choosing a Pesticide Product

    ANR-67 12/28/2018 Helen M. Andrews, Graduate Research Associate Mary Ann Rose, Director, Pesticide ...

  4. Storing Corn Stover for Biobased Industries

    detailed information on this topic, please see this research publication which is available online.  ...

  5. Pruning Erect Blackberries in the Home Garden

    Ohio State University Ryan Slaughter, Research Assistant, OSU South Centers Blackberries can make ...

  6. Economic Implications of Anaerobic Digestion for Bioenergy Production and Waste Management

    Researcher; Ashish Manandhar, Graduate Research Associate; Dr. Ajay Shah, Assistant Professor; Department of ...

  7. Effect of Major Variables on Drift Distances of Spray Droplets

    Heping Zhu, Agricultural Engineer, USDA-ARS Application Technology Research Unit Pesticide applications ...

  8. Spinner-Disc Spreader Set Up and Calibration

    the spreader tires over the pan array (Figure 5). Research has indicated a 2.5-ft pan spacing is ...

  9. Demonstrations for 4-H Members

    ready in various stages to show all the steps. Doing some background research helps. By reading any ...

  10. Direct Marketing of Fruit Crops to Ohio Wineries

    Ohio State University Extension, Athens County M. Ryan Slaughter, Research Assistant II, CFAES South ... research-based extension programs from The Ohio State University. As of January 2022, there are 373 wineries in ...
