
Search results

  1. Autumn Discovery Day

    at the  Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, 1680 Madison Ave. in Wooster, about 60 ...

  2. Fisher Auditorium

    classroom, and OARDC research library. The Auditorium has 976 seats (+12 wheelchair accessible spaces), each ...

  3. Visit Wooster

    and OARDC, with its world-renowned research programs. The Wooster campus was established in 1892 as ...

  4. FST Fall Semester Seminar

    The presentation will provide an overview about the research conducted at IFSH on various "New ...

  5. Release Time Versus Vacation

    established. The main purpose for all employees should be to support the research of OARDC during the workday. ...

  6. Farmers: 3 days to hone your business’s edge, 4,000 ways to see how

    by CFAES, including OARDC, Farm Science Review features the latest agricultural practices, research ...

  7. About Us

    a complementary set of research and development projects funded by the Ohio Department of Higher Education. ...

  8. More Than 10,000 Ohio Farmers Have Received Water Quality Training

    fertilizer to more than 50 acres to become certified by Sept. 30, 2017. FACT was developed by researchers and ... research-based tactics to keep nutrients in the field and available to crops while increasing stewardship of ...

  9. Identifying Bacterial Isolates for Bioremediation of Microcystin-contaminated Waters

    Mou, Kent State University Description Kent State University researchers are studying whether bacteria ...

  10. FST Seminar Spring Seminar Series

    Kamran Shavezupir, research scientist at FABE, to present "Collaborating with food science ...
