
Search results

  1. Laser Beam Automatic Grade-Control System

    USDA's Agricultural Research Service at The Ohio State University. That system controlled the precise ...

  2. TWEL Luke DeGroote Thesis

    however, have investigated the effects of hematozoa on migrating landbirds. This research contributes to ...

  3. TWEL Marja Bakermans Thesis

    migrant across rural and urban landscapes. Further research is needed to (1) determine if manipulations of ...

  4. ENRGP Exit Seminar: Collaborative Partnerships and Invasive Species Management

    Hall. Beau Ingle will present Collaborative Partnerships and Invasive Species Management. Prior research ...

  5. Student Position in the OSU Laboratory Animal Resources Biomedical Research Surgical Unit

    Responsibilities include cleaning, inventory, assisting with veterinary procedures and animal care. There will be many opportunities for learning animal handling and care. Starting student wage $9/hour. They are willing to work with student class schedule ...

  6. OnCampus Features Assistant Professor Jaeger's Research

    OnCampus, the news publication for The Ohio University features in its September 11 edition an article "Climate change will threaten fish by drying out streams" describing Assistant Professor Kris Jaeger's recently published article in the ...

  7. Farmers work with researchers to improve Lake Erie Water quality

    Kayla Miller is a Master’s degree student in FABE working with Drs. Andy Ward and Jon Witter.  She is from Putnam County in Ohio.  Kayla is our Graduate Student Organization president and fellowship recipient of a John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship. ...

  8. Senior Faculty Research Award


  9. Study Abroad

    Caribbean nation of The Dominican Republic. Conduct environmental research in China. Possible future trips ...

  10. SENR Professor's research highlighted in leading newspaper

    Rattan Lal, a soil scientist and director of Ohio State University's Carbon Management and Sequestration Center is quoted in a recent Ideas article written by Rebecca Tuhus-Dubrow for The Boston Globe.  The article, " How to solve climate change ...
