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M. Kalcic
219 Jim, Would you please reserve room 202 for my research group to meet with our ARS colleagues ...
Soil Fertility Lab members awarded NCR-SARE grants!
grants! PhD candidate, Jordon Wade was awarded a graduate student research grant to study how soil health ... this topic. This study will work to define mental models amongst farmers, researchers, and NRCS ... A research grant was awarded to the team of Nicole Hoekstra, Steve Culman, and Brad Bergerfurd for their ...
Congratulations, Phoo Pye Zone!
Environment and Natural Resources. Her research focused on evaluating the response of soil test values and ...
Leadership Delegation from Zamorano University, Honduras, visits CFAES
Environmental Sciences (CFAES) from February 12-14 to strengthen research, student internships and ... doing”. Associate Dean for Extension, Dr. Roger Rennekamp, and Associate Dean for Research and Graduate ... America food security research ...
Congratulations to Dr. Juliette Hanson and PAAR team.
a laboratory research group who has made a considerable contribution to improving laboratory safety on the Ohio ...
Leadership Research Grant Program
Urban Food and Agriculture ...
Soil Cation Balancing
approach but these effects have not been objectively demonstrated. Previous scientific research could not ... farms, soils, weeds and crops. This integrated research-outreach effort will help fill critical gaps in ... main goals of this multi-disciplinary four-year research project are: Document the effects of soil ...
National League of Cities-UAA Research Fellowships Available
Urban Food and Agriculture ...
Now hiring!
research and soil health to assist with a project investigating the long-term effects of different tillage ...
M. Kalcic
219 Jim, Would you please reserve room 202 for my research group to meet with our ARS colleagues ...