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  1. Ohio Sea Grant director Reutter retires after 42 years of service

    people every year, more than $1.3 million in endowments for scholarships and research equipment, and ...

  2. Northeast Ohio Winter Grape School

    will be hosted by OSU Extension and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, which are ... the outreach and research arms, respectively, of the college. The program will feature: ·         How ...

  3. OSU Extension Training Reaches Nearly 1 Million Acres To Improve Water Quality

    fertilizer to more than 50 acres to become certified. The training was developed by Ohio State researchers ... and educators to provide research-based tactics that keep nutrients in the field and available to ... research focused on nutrient management. Nutrient Stewardship for Cleaner Water is a signature program of ...

  4. Scientists seeking a better way to put the bite on mosquitoes

    courtesy MaLisa Spring, Graduate Research Fellow, Agricultural Landscape Ecology Lab, Department of ...

  5. Ohio Nutrient Management Mobile Applications

    information at the farm level? Researchers are The Ohio State University soon will have an App for that. ...  research team lead by John Fulton, an Ohio State University Extension machine and precision systems ...

  6. New study looks at why Americans waste so much food

    of them are aware that food waste is a problem. Even more, researchers have identified that most ...

  7. Transforming Tanzanian Agriculture: CFAES Faculty Train Extension Instructors on Agribusiness and Entrepreneurship

    Agricultural Research Initiative (iAGRI) administered by The Ohio State University through the International ...

  8. Home

    Ensuring safe drinking water while keeping farms productive and profitable Ohio State researchers ...

  9. Experts: Smaller Algal Bloom Predicted For Western Lake Erie

    2015. The U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and its research partners predict that ... leading a new, two-year project funded by the Ohio Department of Education’s Harmful Algal Bloom Research ...

  10. Farmer/Farm Advisor Water Quality Sampling Network

    A research team led by Greg LaBarge, an Ohio State University Extension field specialist and a leader of Ohio ... with farm level data on management practices that can be used by researchers on projects to lessen the ...
