
Search results

  1. OARDC Holds Groundbreaking for New FABE Building

    funds. "This is a remarkable opportunity for a new start. The research capacity we have here ...

  2. Forest Industry Brings Green to Ohio's Economy

    operations and products specialist in the  School of Environment and Natural Resources,  is researching and ...

  3. Combinatorial, Computational and Green Chemistry

    $3.4 billion in annual research and development. Battelle serves the U.S. Department of Energy in the ... an NSF- Industry University Cooperative Research Center (sensors). Faculty members have played ... Center. Research includes the innovative use of inorganic and organic catalysts in the polymerization of ...

  4. Bob Gustafson Wins Ohio State Distinguished Faculty Service Award

    maintained an active program of research, scholarship, or creative work.  Recipients are nominated by members ...

  5. Farm Science Review: 'Breaking new ground'... while flying above it

    agricultural research, resources, information, and access for farmers, said Chuck Gamble, who manages the ...

  6. What is Your Personality Color Spectrum

    personality styles using the language of color.  The researched based Spectrum Temperament Development Model ...

  7. StrengthsFinder

    Break All the Rules, and Donald O. Clifton, Chair of the Gallup International Research & Education ...

  8. What are the best ways to burn (or not) a forest?

    U.S. Forest Service’s Northern Research Station. The Lake States Fire Science Consortium, a knowledge ...

  9. StrengthsFinder- NEW

    Donald O. Clifton, Chair of the Gallup International Research & Education Center, have created ...

  10. Giving mosquitoes 'kidney' failure could help fight spread of malaria

    of people annually. Piermarini's research  is funded by a $1.4 million grant  from the ...
