
Search results

  1. Brittany Fischer Concludes Term as CHAIRE's First Program Coordinator

    goals and advance our mission through research, education, and outreach. It has been a pleasure to be ...

  2. Ecosystem Health & Welfare of Marine Fishes Project Start

    exhibits that contained species of similar niches to those they sampled from in the wild. The research team ...

  3. Dr. Mark Flint, BVSc, BSc(Hons), MApplSc, MPhil, PhD, Dipl. ACAW

    conservation medicine. Since 1995, he has conducted wildlife and marine research and investigations in ... Australia and the USA and continues to lead active research programs in both countries. Dr. Flint's ... research areas focus on identifying prevalent and emerging diseases in marine and freshwater animal species ...

  4. Interdisciplinary Programs

    collaboration and scientific research to develop a local food economy in Ohio that is environmentally friendly, ... for regional collaboration around food system change, fund and coordinate Agroecosystem research and ... Management Program (OCAMM) was designed to research, develop and communicate sustainable strategies for the ...

  5. Graduate Students Earn Master's Degrees

    Aquarium (CZA). Through her research, Madeline helped the zoo quantify the impact of transfer on the ... pursuing opportunities within the university with an interest in continuing his research and outreach the ...

  6. Administrative Structure

    subcommittee and four additional members that reflect the various research interest areas of the center as ...

  7. Research Resources

    OARDC's Research Profile Ohio State is one of only a few universities in the U.S. that, in ... agriculture. Research activities are emerging from departmental and college silos and occurring within ... challenges will surely be found. The Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) is the ...

  8. Members

    research in human-animal interactions we urge you to reach out to one of our members below or email ...

  9. Brittany Fischer, M.S.

    State University. Through her master's research she designed and implemented an animal welfare ... College of Veterinary Medicine studying aquatic ecosystem health and welfare. Her research is focused on ...

  10. Shelby Carlson, M.S.

    psychology, from Ohio University. Her primary research interests focus on the mechanisms shaping our ...
