
Search results

  1. Narrow Row Spacing in Corn: Management Considerations for Ohio

    Novais, Graduate Research Associate, Department of Horticulture and Crop Science; College of Food, ... grain and forage hybrids using narrow row spacing are limited. To address this issue, researchers from ... approximately 4% more yield than the 15-inch row. In on-farm research trials conducted from 2018–2021 using ...

  2. Undergraduate Research

    ENR 4998 Conducting and reporting undergraduate research. Prereq: Permission of research project ...

  3. Garth Ruff

    research and teaching efforts include direct marketing of animal products, forage and field crop trials, ... matter focus and provide overall leadership for a comprehensive teaching and applied research program to ... relationships, and foster collaborations across the state, including with campus researchers, to complement what ...

  4. Exploring Sustainability: SUSTAINS LC Seminar

    sustainability efforts, and connect with campus partners and faculty working and researching in the field. ...

  5. Ecology and Conservation of Birds

    ornithology and student research projects. Course integrates many concepts to build understanding of how ... research and management can support bird conservation. Prereq: Not open to students with credit for 230 or ...

  6. Managing Stress with Diet

    Education and Human Ecology, The Ohio State University Maryan Dualle, Graduate Research Associate, College ... yogurt, sour cream, and sauerkraut. Practice Mindful Eating Research shows that being mindful while we eat ...

  7. Honors Research With Distinction

    ENR 4999H Conducting and reporting honors research with distinction. Prereq: Honors standing, and ...

  8. Calibration of Orchard and Vineyard Sprayers

    recent years, this realization has sparked considerable discussion among researchers and companies ... researchers from Spain to the Dept. of Food, Agricultural, and Biological Engineering, The Ohio State ...

  9. Research in Environment and Natural Resources

    ENR 6000 The use of science and research to address natural resource problems; development of ...

  10. Sociology of Agriculture and Food Systems

    RURLSOC 5530 Overview of sociological theory and research related to agricultural change and food ...
