
Search results

  1. Notice of Nondiscrimination

    research departments including CFAES Wooster, Ohio State ATI, and Ohio State University Extension embrace ... human diversity and are committed to ensuring that all research and related educational programs are ...

  2. Thomas Blaine, PhD

    at the undergraduate and graduate levels in research methods. These courses combined materials ... a natural resource/environmental economist, he conducts research and develops educational materials that ...

  3. Resources

    Center for Early Childhood Research and Policy: Schoenbaum Family ...

  4. Noha Meghawry

    Noha Meghawry Research Associate, Short Lab ... University, Egypt. Noha joined the Short lab in 2020 as a Research Associate/Lab Manager. She obtained her BSc ... mosquito-borne diseases. For this purpose, her current research is focusing on the following: 1- Studying the ...

  5. Food Preservation

    making jams and jellies Methods for freezing fruits and vegetables Reliable, research-backed resources ...

  6. Erin Parker

    earned a B.A. in psychology from Kent State University (2002), then worked for 15 years as a research ...

  7. (Speaker Series) Food systems inequity in the United States: How land use and development policy drive food insecurity in urban areas

    Institute’s community-engaged research strategy and serves in a translational capacity to underserved ... research alive for non-academic communities. Glennon has been at the Kirwan Institute since 2012, serving ... as a graduate research assistant before becoming part of Kirwan’s research team in 2016. Glennon’s ...

  8. (Speaker Series) Climate Migration: Human Migration as an Adaptive Response to Climate Change

    economist with research interests in migration, climate resilience, human capital, and diversity, equity and ...

  9. Andrew Michel

    Entomological Research. 103:286-295. Bansal R, Michel AP. 2013. Core RNAi Machinery and Sid1, a component for ... glycines Matsumura. Bulletin of Entomological Research. May 12:1-8. Sim S-C, Robbins MD, Van Deynze A, ... field populations of the soybean aphid, Aphis glycines. Bulletin of Entomological Research. May 27:1-8. ...

  10. National Family and Consumer Sciences Educator Day

    research-based knowledge, FCS professionals help individuals and families develop essential skills to ...
