
Search results

  1. Dr. Sheryl Barringer

    research is in flavor volatiles, coatings, snack foods and fruit and vegetable processing. In 1997 she ... received the OARDC Outstanding Research Award, in 2004, The Institute of Food Technologists Samuel Cate ...

  2. Growing Aronia (Aronia melanocarpa) in Ohio

    have a deep purple to black color, they can be used as a natural food colorant. Continued research ...

  3. Dr. Hua Wang

    lactic acid bacteria and Listeria monocytogenes, rapid detection of microbes and gene pools Research ... Interest: The main research interest in my laboratory has evolved from improving fermentation starter ... 4, and facilitated the adjustment of the scope of research investigation and investment on antibiotic ...

  4. Thomas Blaine, PhD

    at the undergraduate and graduate levels in research methods. These courses combined materials ... a natural resource/environmental economist, he conducts research and develops educational materials that ...

  5. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins, and Comparisons of Feedstuffs Prices

    OSU, my research will center around dairy cattle nutrition, with a focus on rumen health. My faculty ...

  6. Footbath Practices for Lameness Prevention

    not as widely researched but has efficacy in controlling digital dermatitis at a concentration of 5 to ...

  7. Elderberry Production in Ohio

    Extension, The Ohio State University M. Ryan Slaughter, Research Assistant II, CFAES South Centers, The Ohio ... research demonstrates that fully ripened, fresh, and processed American elderberry products are safe to ... elderberries before consumption. A research project on elderberries was conducted from 2014 to 2016 at The Ohio ...

  8. Healthy Cooking for One or Two

    researchers found that frequent cooking at home leads to consuming fewer calories both at home and when eating ...

  9. Nurturant Grandfathering: Investment Work

    Research indicates, even after accounting for the amount of contact, there is a moderately strong tie ... his grandchild’s personal development. Benefits to Grandfathers Research on grandfathers who ... fulfilling his role in the family. Research shows that grandfathers who engaged in investment work also ...

  10. Aishwarya Badiger

    Aishwarya Badiger Post Doctoral Researcher 327C Parker Food Science and ...
