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  1. 8 Million Dollar research award for Pan African Material Institute (PAMI) Abuja Nigeria

    The World Bank African Centers of Excellence (ACE) awards 8 Million Dollar for research toward Pan ... African Material Institute (PAMI), Abuja Nigeria.This collaborative research award will be shared by ...

  2. J.M. Smucker Co. Commits $1M to Ohio State for Food Innovation Research, Scholarships

    committed $1 million to support ongoing research and student success at Ohio State University's College of ... contribute to Ohio's food industry, as well as support research that will lead to discoveries for ... fund undergraduate research in food innovation and student support, including a scholarship to honor Bobby ...

  3. Unconscious eating? CFAES scientist explores mysteries of appetite

    to what's around us, according to a sensory researcher with CFAES. "Our environment can ... first graduate student as a research assistant in August.     "With better ways to measure consumer ... has an appointment with the college's research arm, OARDC. One of Simons' new testing ...

  4. Small Grain Field Day Planning

    Room 100 (Wooster) contact Susan Vizzo 3712 Research Operations.  Tuesday, January 26, 2016- ...

  5. How to Write an Abstract

    How to Write a Research Abstract "Scientific Abstract" (Key points from presentation by ... Michelle Hendrick, CFAES and Gamma Sigma Delta Undergraduate Research Workshop 2014) ...

  6. Researchers in Ohio working to see if dandelions can be future of the tire industry

    Researchers in Ohio working to see if dandelions can be future of the tire industry. Our ... researchers are featured in news article on about the use of rubber from Russian dandelions to ...

  7. Annual BioBased Systems Workshop Focuses on Commercialization

    the profitability of Ohio’s soybean farmers.” Several Ohio State researchers and industry leaders will ...

  8. LeJeune working with U.N. to combat antibiotic resistance

    Jeffrey LeJeune, head of the college's  Food Animal Health Research Program, is in the midst ... LeJeune said. The plan calls for increases in research, surveillance and monitoring, among other action ... conducting some cutting-edge research, LeJeune said. The national action plan also calls for increases in ...

  9. M. Kalcic

    won't to room 219? (Which is open for those dates) Thanks, Brandon     Jim, My research group would like ...

  10. Bioprocessing Research Lab- People

    lab is located at the  Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC)  in Wooster- Ohio. He ... research areas are focused on improving the processing of agricultural and industrial organic byproducts ... through the development of new or improved bioprocessing technologies. Specific research activities ...
