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Nutrition of Jersey Cows- Little Holstein Cows or a Breed Apart?,
a passionate following, and there is ample evidence that this is justified. Surveys and research have indicated ... efficiency: A number of research summaries have indicated that the Jersey breed has advantages in terms of the ... feeding too much fiber may impose a limit on their DM intake. Further research is needed to clarify the ...
Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference: Another Successful Year
2 from Purdue, and 5 from Michigan State). The graduate students research presentations were held on ... Place; and Stephanie Neal, Ohio State, Third Place. Winners of the Graduate Student Research Presentation ...
The Marks of a "Real" Ohio Dairy Producer,
not they are, in fact, a " R E A L " complete dairy producer. R- Regulation & Research ... regulations. They also initiate, support, and direct new research which will be beneficial to dairy production. ... In Ohio, this can be done by contributing to the Ohio Dairy Research Fund. E- Educated, Engaged, and ...
Free-stall Stocking Density Affects Productivity
of Tennessee and Rick Grant of the William H. Miner Agricultural Research Institute in New York ... summarized the findings of a range of studies and research that looked at the effect of freestall stocking ... type of research, my personal opinion leads me to believe that if a cow is under stress from ...
Energy Frontier Research Centers (EFRC) The Energy Frontier Research Centers program aims to ... the atomic and molecular scales. Bioenergy Research Centers (BRC) The ultimate goal for the three DOE ... Bioenergy Research Centers is to better understand the biological mechanisms underlying biofuel production ...
Wildlife and Fisheries Links
threatened species/habitats; climate change mitigation; funding for wildlife-oriented research; assistance to ... migratory birds, provides funding for national and international conservation-oriented research; manages ... is to conduct research and monitoring on freshwater, terrestrial, and marine ecosystems and the fish ...
Genetically Modified Organisms- Feeds and the Food Chain
assessed. Many years of research are conducted in laboratories before a potential GMO can be considered for ... public use. During this research, the risks described previously must be reviewed and the total ... cPIP. Figure 1. Relationship between research, new plant developments, feedstuffs for animals, and the ...
Dairy Producer Johne's Disease Survey
researchers have helped to design the survey. The survey will take about 15 minutes to complete and is ...
Results from Research Supported by the Ohio Dairy Research Fund
Research Fund was developed to support research by voluntary dairy producer contributions. Since 1982, ... about $731,000 in producer investments have funded research that has greatly benefited Ohio's dairy ... industry. From time to time, results of this research will be included in the Buckeye Dairy News. For this ...
Release of Columbo Dairy Software
funded research and Extension project conducted by Dianne Shoemaker, Normand St-Pierre, and Bill Weiss ...